Email Template Type



Property Description
defaults nullable

The system default values for this email template type.

Property Description
body nullable

The default message body of this email template type. The message body includes HTML tags.

buttonText nullable

The default text label for the button used in the body of the email template.

buttonTextHelper nullable

Helper text provided to help the studio user understand the action taken when their client clicks on the button in the email message.

description nullable

A description of this email template type.

headline nullable

The default headline used in the body of the email template.

htmlEmail nullable

The full HTML email template, complete with in-lined CSS, headers, and footers.

htmlEmailCss nullable

The CSS that will be used to style the email message.

subject nullable

The default subject line for this email template type.


The constant ShootProof identifier for the email template type.

ShootProof Identifier Description
contract-ready Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when a contract is ready to view.
documents-ready Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when they have documents (i.e., invoice and contract) ready to view.
email-admin-access-url-to-linked-contact Describes an email template that may be used to give a linked contact access to an event while it's in pre-release.
email-event-album-link Describes an email template that may be used to share a specific album within an event.
email-event-link Describes an email template that may be used to share an event.
email-mobile-app-link Describes an email template that may be used to share a link to a mobile app with a studio's client.
event-expiring-notice Describes an email template that may be used to notify event visitors of an upcoming event expiration.
event-released-to-linked-contact Describes an email template that may be used to notify an event's linked contact that an event is now active.
event-released-to-visitors Describes an email template that may be used to notify event visitors that an event is now active.
event-upload-complete Describes an email template that may be used as an internal notification to the studio user that an upload is complete in their ShootProof account.
event-visitor-message Describes an email template that may be used to send general messages to event visitors.
invoice-final-payment-due-remainder Describes an email template that may be used to notify a studio's client that their final invoice payment will be due soon.
invoice-message Describes an email template that may be used to send general messages about an invoice to a studio's client.
invoice-past-due-notice Describes an email template that may be used to notify a studio's client that their invoice is past due.
invoice-ready Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when an invoice is ready to view.
order-status-notice Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when the status of their order changes.
links required read-only

Each property defines a hypertext link relationship as indicated by a link object or array of link objects. The target URL of each hypertext link relationship is related to the current resource according to the defined semantics of the link relationship property name.

resourceType nullable

If present, this describes the type of resource represented by this email template.


The type of resource represented.

OpenAPI Schema

The following schema is based on OpenAPI 3.0 and is provided in our downloadable OpenAPI document.

  "properties": {
    "defaults": {
      "description": "The system default values for this email template type.",
      "nullable": true,
      "properties": {
        "body": {
          "description": "The default message body of this email template type. The message\nbody includes HTML tags.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
        "buttonText": {
          "description": "The default text label for the button used in the body of the email\ntemplate.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
        "buttonTextHelper": {
          "description": "Helper text provided to help the studio user understand the action\ntaken when their client clicks on the button in the email message.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
        "description": {
          "description": "A description of this email template type.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
        "headline": {
          "description": "The default headline used in the body of the email template.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
        "htmlEmail": {
          "description": "The full HTML email template, complete with in-lined CSS,\nheaders, and footers.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
        "htmlEmailCss": {
          "description": "The CSS that will be used to style the email message.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
        "subject": {
          "description": "The default subject line for this email template type.",
          "nullable": true,
          "type": "string"
      "type": "object"
    "emailTemplateType": {
      "description": "The constant ShootProof identifier for the email template type.\n\n| ShootProof Identifier | Description |\n| --------------------- | ----------- |\n| `contract-ready` | Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when a contract is ready to view. |\n| `documents-ready` | Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when they have documents (i.e., invoice and contract) ready to view. |\n| `email-admin-access-url-to-linked-contact` | Describes an email template that may be used to give a linked contact access to an event while it's in pre-release. |\n| `email-event-album-link` | Describes an email template that may be used to share a specific album within an event. |\n| `email-event-link` | Describes an email template that may be used to share an event. |\n| `email-mobile-app-link` | Describes an email template that may be used to share a link to a mobile app with a studio's client. |\n| `event-expiring-notice` | Describes an email template that may be used to notify event visitors of an upcoming event expiration. |\n| `event-released-to-linked-contact` | Describes an email template that may be used to notify an event's linked contact that an event is now active. |\n| `event-released-to-visitors` | Describes an email template that may be used to notify event visitors that an event is now active. |\n| `event-upload-complete` | Describes an email template that may be used as an internal notification to the studio user that an upload is complete in their ShootProof account. |\n| `event-visitor-message` | Describes an email template that may be used to send general messages to event visitors. |\n| `invoice-final-payment-due-remainder` | Describes an email template that may be used to notify a studio's client that their final invoice payment will be due soon. |\n| `invoice-message` | Describes an email template that may be used to send general messages about an invoice to a studio's client. |\n| `invoice-past-due-notice` | Describes an email template that may be used to notify a studio's client that their invoice is past due. |\n| `invoice-ready` | Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when an invoice is ready to view. |\n| `order-status-notice` | Describes an email template that may be sent to a studio's client when the status of their order changes. |",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string"
    "links": {
      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Links"
    "resourceType": {
      "description": "If present, this describes the type of resource represented by this email\ntemplate.",
      "enum": [
      "nullable": true,
      "type": "string"
    "type": {
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Type"
          "enum": [
  "required": [
  "title": "Email Template Type",
  "type": "object"